Becoming a mom does not mean you have to sacrifice looking and feeling your best. If you’d like a slim, toned figure after pregnancy, consider body contouring procedures. With tummy tucks, [...]
For implant reconstruction, most women take four weeks off following the mastectomy and placement of the tissue expanders and one week off of work after the second surgery (removal of the tissue [...]
The vast majority of women are candidates for reconstruction. There are a variety of reconstructive options and you may not be a candidate for all types. You and your Dr. Laliberte will discuss [...]
Some patients prefer to have reconstruction done (or at least the process started) at the same time as their mastectomy. Breast reconstruction performed at the same time as your mastectomy is [...]
It is never medically necessary to have breast reconstruction. This is considered an elective procedure, meaning you can choose to have it done or not. Some women choose to have a mastectomy [...]
There are several steps you can take to get the best possible surgical results, including the following: Stop taking any over-the-counter supplements, such as vitamins, minerals and herbal [...]
Preparing both mentally and physically for cosmetic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, or facelift, though fairly straightforward, is necessary for a [...]
In general terms, cosmetic plastic surgery is considered “elective surgery” and is not covered by most insurance plans. For patients interested in financing options, we are pleased to partner [...]